Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 51 o el Dia cincuentauno

Political issues, fight for equality and oppression have kept Puerto Rican's hungry and kicking. I just watched Rosie Perez' Documentary of Yo soy Boricua! Pa' Que Tu Lo Sepas! and was amazed on their fight for equal rights and their constant struggle to better themselves. The journey continues to be a long one, with the island under still, such poverty. Puerto Rican's are proud from where they came from and not confused about who they are. Sure the name "rainbow children" fit the island people. They make it known that they are Puerto Rican and nothing less. They don't let people categorize them in the sense of "well, what are you?" "Isn't that an island, it's part of the U.S." "You from here, though, oh..I see.."
It's such a challenge. Acceptance. Even as I watched this film, Rosie Perez finally felt acceptance after a long time, finding about her history, her culture and how it was like to be raised in New York where English was her dominate language. Being Boricua and proud! I am feeling more found as I reach to find my roots and curious and intrigued. I am half but I feel proud too! To be apart of such a fantastic, diverse race. Full of passion, heart and dance! It was also interesting about the history and the trials faced on human rights. The island faced so many challenges, prejudice and oppression. She talked about Pedro Albizu Campos, how he fought as Martin Luther King Jr fought for African American's in the civil rights movement. So many political figures through history fought for our rights to live in equality. From the U.S. and all over the world. It's in every one of us that there is a willing to change. I'd love to learn more about the Nuyorican Poets and read more works on Pedro Pietri, the late influential Nuyorican Poet. Here is a poem that came to me after seeing Rosie's Documentary.


No soy perfecta
no soy completa
I am striving,
climbing rope
of an island blue, white, and red cloth
triangular shape
en el centro
hay una estrella que brilla
con brillance
a loud color
encased, replaced
by growing up
raised, a certain way
is not the definition of who I am
boldly going
Boricua bounty
Caucasion combinacion
come on, come on
ven, ven
let em in
mueve la
mueva con tu carazon
habla con tus ojos
risa con tu alma
live life
always wonder
always strive
show your stripes
be surprised
entonces, si no tiene miedo,
hay, hay, hay
will always be spices on the shelf...

-Amber L.

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