Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 6 o el Dia seis

As I sit here in my kitchen in the cool evening in Los Angeles, continuing my project aprender espanol y la musica, I watch an interview with Ivy Queen.
"Just because you have tatoos and piercings on the outside, I'm still a sweet person and an intelligent woman."

Why do people judge a book by it's cover or label someone by their outward appearance? Her mind and heart, she still cries, she still argues and she still had to prove her way to where she is now. She changed many styles and went through many phases, such as we all do. Now as I decide to continue seeking la otra mitad, I find many Puerto Ricans fascinating! It would be a sound that catches one's ear or a look that catches an eye. As I am hooked and reeled in, I find what's coming to me on the other end, not knowing exactly why I am being pulled, but I took the bate and have that curiosity to connect with it and research it. Ivy Queen's voice and genre of music and look all interest me,since growing up on the east coast. She is who she is and remains true to herself and original to the flavor that comes along in her music. She throws on the gloves and gets out there to battle. I love that true strength that she brings, a true Urbana Puerto Riquena. It's as with anyone who looks or has a certain style that we are curious to learn more. Why do we judge and who is to say we can put a finger or name on anyone? Being half Puerto Rican and half white, not knowing fully the language doesn't make me go..o well I am American and I'll leave it at that, I can't speak or learn spanish now. no. There's more, there is more lava that is waiting to spew out of the volcano.

Like Ivy Queen, that goes through many phases and styles as an artist, who was said that she didn't have the look or was told that the type of music she chose wasn't for her, can still change and become who she wants. She can still be intelligent and throw the shots in her life as an individual. I can still learn and see it through. I can become mas Boricua. Then even, if I may sound funny or start changing slightly con mas sabor and the people that know me say why are you doing that? Why are you starting to act that way..I can honestly say.. Who Cares!

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